The HERMMES curriculum will be a “stripped down” version of a media curriculum that is flexible and adaptable, not only for local needs, but also time-wise (evolving as ICT also does).

The aims of such a curriculum are best described in the words of Robin Schmidt, creator of the Swiss Steiner Waldorf Media Curriculum: “Curricula describe the aspirations which schools as an institution have of themselves: where they see themselves as being engaged, what pupils should know and be able to do. Curricula for a long time described the content which teachers were expected to teach. In recent decades competence-based curricula have taken their place which describe what pupils should know and be able to do at specific levels. These are framework curricula: they describe competence goals which should be achieved in general – but not that all pupils always also have to achieve them.

For this reason, modern curricula do not give instructions as to teaching materials, specific lesson content, teaching methods, concrete implementation and specific points in time but they describe learning outcomes which are put into a meaningful conceptual and chronological order, and which can be used as a guide in the lesson planning of schools and teachers. (…) In this way the intention of the curriculum is to contribute to the responsibility and imagination of each school and each teacher to find the ways and means out of their circumstances and specific concerns through which the pupils can acquire knowledge and skills.”

To create the HERMMES framework curriculum, a team of 4-5 experts within the partnership analyse the existing material provided by the partners and combine together the most relevant concepts. Additionally, the HERMMES curriculum will be mapped to the DigComp 2.2 Framework for Citizens.

Once the curriculum is ready, it will be shared on this page.