HERMMES stands for “Holistic Education, Resilience and Media Maturity in Educational Settings: Parents, teachers and researchers working towards a development-oriented and age-appropriate approach to ICT and media education”.
The goal of the HERMMES project is that at the end of their school career, pupils are media mature. They should be able to use the full range of analogue and digital media for their own education, participation in civil society and the labour market. In addition they should be able to sovereignly decide how much time to spend on digital tools, for which purpose, and always with a conscious and critical approach to the content shared or consumed through media.
Thus age-appropriate and development-oriented media education only introduces digital technology in classrooms after children demonstrate media maturity and a high level of media literacy.
The project is built around strong cooperation between a diverse group of project partners: parents, teachers and researchers have joined their resources, and aim to work towards helping children and youngsters become resilient and media mature citizens who can make their own informed choices on HOW they use digital technology.
Analogue and Digital: How to Reach the Balance?
Analogue and Digital: How to Reach the Balance?
After the exciting first conference in Scuola Novalis in Italy, the second HERMMES conference will take place in our other partner school ...
Books or Tablets? Children in the Digitalised World
Books or Tablets? Children in the Digitalised World
Have you ever wondered what is the middle ground between books and tablets for children?Are you wondering how to help a child develop holistically in the digitalised world?Is your aim to...
Full Partners Meeting: HERMMES partners form working groups
Full Partners Meeting: HERMMES partners form working groups
Basis for successful partnership is in stable relationships Freie Hochschule hosted the first live partners’ meeting in Stuttgart from 9th to 11th Septe...
Communicating Our Humanity: Media and Its (Mis)Uses
Communicating Our Humanity: Media and Its (Mis)Uses
After one year of the HERMMES project, on the 29th April 2023, our first multiplier conference brought together over 200 parents, teachers and school leaders eager to learn from one another about how media education can serve to uplift children in their humanity...